We have collaborated in the renovation and improvement of the facilities of the Guadiloba dam in the renovation of the monitoring instrumentation.

General information

Name: Work to replace manoeuvring organs in the spillway at the bottom of the dam

Date (year): July 2021- Currently

Client: Canal Isabel II

Location: Cáceres - Spain

Photo property: Gettyimages

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Project summary

In the context of the renovation and improvement of the facilities of the Guadiloba dam, an intensive campaign of reporfing and cleaning of drains is carried out together with the installation of instrumentation and automation of the new and existing drains.

Project details

The works consist of:

  • Re-drilling and cleaning of drains,
  • Installation of piezometers,
  • Installation of rod extensometers,
  • Installation of joint meters,
  • Installation of flow meters.

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