We provide environmental consultancy services because we care about the environment and sustainability.

Our development advice

SOCOTEC helps its clients draw up quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE) plans, as well as sustainable development strategies with tangible objectives and results, with a constant focus on achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate neutrality by 2050 through the Green Deal. We focus on both our own environmental, social and economic sustainability and that of our clients and stakeholders; that is why we provide environmental consultancy services to our clients.

We help them obtain the administrative authorisations that they need, like environmental impact assessments that include impact studies, risk assessments and flora and fauna studies, as well as environmental clearance. We also help them outline health and safety plans for their projects.

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Our environmental consultancy services

We believe in applying circular economy and sustainable development principles and therefore provide environmental consultancy services in various specialist areas : 

  • Life cycle analysis  

We measure and assess all environmental issues and impacts generated throughout the life cycle of a company’s product, process or activity. For example, we assess the different steps of a product’s life cycle – from origin to landfill or usage in another production process as a secondary raw material – and develop solutions to extend its useful life.

  • Ecodesign

A major challenge that we face in the world today is the quantity of waste being generated, as well as the scarcity of raw materials to make new products. Ecodesign has become a useful tool to reduce this waste, indefinitely prolonging product lifespans by keeping them in a closed loop system. SOCOTEC helps companies apply these ecodesign principles when preparing their products and obtain the relevant certification.

  • Waste reduction and management  

We take care of all the procedures and paperwork needed to process, destroy or reuse waste. We help clients obtain authorisation to manage hazardous and non-hazardous waste and inform people of how to process smaller hazardous and non-hazardous waste products.  

  • Carbon footprint calculation 

We calculate and record a product, building or organisation’s carbon footprint, taking into account greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide or CO2) emitted in operations. We help our clients quantify the time they will need and identify actions they must take to achieve zero emissions.

  • Water footprint calculation

As with the carbon footprint, we calculate and record the amount of fresh water used by a company in its operations or production processes.

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SOCOTEC Chair in Circular Engineering together with the University of Zaragoza

SOCOTEC Chair Circular Engineering


In 2022, in line with circular economy principles, we created the SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Congress in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza in Spain with the aim of leading the way nationally when it comes to knowledge and innovation in relation to circular engineering and sustainable development.


The SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Congress has four key ambitions : 

  • Generating knowledge,
  • Training and bolstering talent,
  • Promoting and sharing activities,
  • Transferring knowledge and research findings.


Design is what differentiates a linear approach from a circular one. To make this change a reality, the SOCOTEC Congress plans to carry out extensive work to inform and raise awareness among all stakeholders – companies, organisations, institutions and society in general.


The end objective is to transfer all of the circular engineering knowledge that has been accumulated to corporate, institutional and research projects, creating added value for society in the form of innovation and sustainability.


The SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Congress will seek to continuously improve training by introducing projects and doctorate courses, as well as by enabling students to carry out internships.

In 2022, in line with circular economy principles, we created the SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Congress in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza in Spain with the aim of leading the way nationally when it comes to knowledge and innovation in relation to circular engineering and sustainable development.


The SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Congress has four key ambitions : 

  • Generating knowledge,
  • Training and bolstering talent,
  • Promoting and sharing activities,
  • Transferring knowledge and research findings.


Design is what differentiates a linear approach from a circular one. To make this change a reality, the SOCOTEC Congress plans to carry out extensive work to inform and raise awareness among all stakeholders – companies, organisations, institutions and society in general.


The end objective is to transfer all of the circular engineering knowledge that has been accumulated to corporate, institutional and research projects, creating added value for society in the form of innovation and sustainability.


The SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Congress will seek to continuously improve training by introducing projects and doctorate courses, as well as by enabling students to carry out internships.

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