Technical studies of structures installed in various road accesses in the area of Catalonia.
General information
Date: 2022
Client: Servei Català de Trànsit
Location: Catalunya - España
Image copyright: Gettyimages

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Project summary
As part of its maintenance strategy, the Catalan transport company Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT) wants to carry out audits of all support structures (gantries and poles, cameras) in use across the different access roads in North Barcelona and on other roads around Catalonia.
Project details
Interventions to evaluate the condition of support structures and conduct the required checks and tests, e.g :
Quality Control

Once the data obtained from the checks and tests carried out have been evaluated, the necessary corrective actions are proposed, being economically assessed and a plan of actions in the short, medium and long term to correct the deficiencies identified in the structures during the audit are written.