
Planning and worksite management for a wastewater treatment and desalination plant in Ponta Preta

We carried out the planning and worksite management for a wastewater treatment and desalination plant to supply drinking water to the Ponta Preta housing development.

General information

Date: 2006 - 2012 

Client: Aguas de Ponta Preta 

Location: Cabo Verde  

Photo copyright: Gettyimages

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Project summary

We planned a wastewater treatment and desalination plant to supply drinking water to the Ponta Preta housing development in Cape Verde.

We also carried out worksite management for the construction of the water treatment and desalination plant.

Project details

Water from sewage is captured by a grouping of wastewater pumping stations positioned in strategic locations, which then send the water to treatment plant at a rate of 1,000 m3 per day, where it is treated using a biological system with tertiary treatment for regeneration.

This facility was designed to treat all wastewater generated by the Ponta Preta area and includes processing facilities, so that the water can be reused for various purposes.

Drinking water supply is assured by 12 wells that pump and transport seawater to the desalination plant at a rate of 3,000 m3 per day. A reverse osmosis process is used to extract salt from the water, which is then purified for human consumption.

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