Masterplan for the redevelopment of Tamarit street between Comte Borrell and Viladomat and Comte Borrell street between Tamarit and Floridablanca, in the context of the remodeling of the Sant Antoni Market building itself and the Superilles project promoted by the Barcelona City Council.

General information:

Name of the Project: Sant Antoni Market Urbanization.  

Date (year): 2019  

Client: BIMSA - Mercats de Barcelona  

Location: Barcelona, spain  

Team of collaborators: Carmen Ruiz and Jordi Rosich.  

Photography property: Adrià Goula ( 


Project summary:

The objective of the Masterplan project is to carry out the redevelopment of Tamarit street, located between Comte Borrell and Viladomat, and Comte Borrell street, between Tamarit and Floridablanca, as part of the remodeling of the Sant Antoni Market building and the Superilles project promoted by the Barcelona City Council.


Project details:

The project focuses on the creation of a pacified square, with the objective of recovering space for pedestrians. A longitudinal space of between 5 and 6 meters wide has been created in each street, destined for the creation of vegetated areas, which significantly increases the green areas in the project area and provides rest areas. 

It is important to note that priority has been given to minimizing the works necessary to achieve this urban transformation, in a total intervention area of 4,696 m². 

The overall performance of the Superblock has been divided into two phases: 

  • PHASE 1 of the project, which encompasses the surroundings of the Sant Antoni Market, within the block bounded by Tamarit, Comte Borrell, Manso and Comte Urgell streets. 
  • PHASE 2 of the project, which includes the rest of the "cross" of the superblock: Borrell between Floridablanca and Tamarit, and Tamarit between Borrell and Viladomat.



Demolition works were carried out with the objective of preserving as many elements as possible for later reuse. These works included the demolition of the existing pavements, the milling of the roadways and the removal of the drains. In addition, street furniture, such as lampposts, litter garbage cans and benches, was dismantled with the intention of being reinstalled in other parts of the city. 

A portion of the original pavement was preserved in good condition and was used at the crossroads near the market.

Special excavation works were carried out in order not to affect the underlying historic ruins, as well as to facilitate the installation of supplies and to level the pavement and replace the topsoil. In addition, surface improvement was performed and channeling for the drainage system was constructed.

Specific measures were taken to ensure accessibility for the visually impaired. In addition, protective measures were implemented for the existing trees. Finally, different types of pavements were used, such as pavements for vehicles, concrete pavements, granite fords, concrete curbs and pavers for pedestrian areas.

In the project, conventional sewer funnel solutions have been proposed on the left side of the streets due to limited space to implement sustainable drainage systems. On the other hand, on the right side, floodable infiltration capacity (I-PAR) flowerbeds have been designed to retain and filter runoff, thus reducing the volume of water and the flow to the sewer. A gravel layer will be used to facilitate infiltration, which will help improve water quality through sedimentation and filtration.


The lighting distribution in the project area considers Borrell and Tamarit streets, the Supermanzana, the new square and the Sant Antoni Market Courtyards. The aim is to unify the switchboards into a single one with 6 lighting lines and a regulator at the intersection of Tamarit-Borrell. The distribution of the lines will be adapted to the functionality of the projected spaces.

The installation of conduits for ICT infrastructure was executed on both sides of the streets, with crossing registers and a maximum distance of 80 meters. The installation of a 64-fiber trunk cable was planned to reach the unified cabinet in Phase 1 of the works in the Sant Antoni Market area, replacing the existing IMI cable in Tamarit Street. This unified cabinet would provide Wi-Fi, lighting and regulation services.

Various constructive actions related to the project's tree planting were carried out. This included the maintenance of existing trees, replacement and new plantings in the tree wells, as well as the transformation of the tree wells into flowerbeds with shrub plantings.

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