SOCOTEC is carrying out periodic tank inspection according to API Std 653 on aboveground and underground carbon steel and stainless steel tanks.
General information
Date: 2016 – en curso
Client: Terminales Portuarias S.L.
Location: Barcelona, Tarragona, Bilbao, Valencia - España
Photography property: Gettyimages

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Project summary
Periodic inspection of above- and underground carbon steel and stainless steel storage tanks per API Std 653. The tanks are inspected by way of non-destructive tests suitable for the predicted pathology in accordance with the reference standard, including different parts of the tanks (bottom, shell and roof), nozzles, welding, instruments, etc. The data is analysed and necessary actions or repairs are recommended to ensure hermeticity and set out inspection plans and timeframes with a view to ensuring appropriate and founded preventive and predictive maintenance activities.
Project details
Inspection of the outside and inside of storage tanks per applicable standards (AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, EEMUA, etc.).
The inspections have the following scope :
- Inspection of the bottom :
- Inspección visual del 100% de las chapas y soldaduras del fondo del tanque incluyendo unión fondo – envolvente,
- Inspección mediante partículas magnéticas, líquidos penetrantes y/o Caja de Vacío del 100% de las soldaduras,
- Inspección mediante equipo Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) y/o Hand Scan MFL en el 100% del fondo del tanque,
- Verificación de indicaciones detectadas por equipo MFL mediante Ultrasonidos Phased Array,
- Medición de espesores mediante ultrasonidos.
- Inspection of the shell :
- Inspección visual del 100% de las chapas y soldaduras accesibles de la envolvente,
- Medición de espesores mediante equipo de ultrasonidos embarcado en crawler magnético,
- Inspección mediante partículas magnéticas y / líquidos penetrantes en soldaduras accesibles.
- Roof :
- Visual inspection of the entire surface,
- Thickness measurement using ultrasonic testing,
- Inspection of welding using magnetic particle and/or liquid penetrant testing.
The inspections use Level 2-certified techniques as set out in the applicable inspection methodology per UNE EN ISO 9712:2012.
Following the inspection, the API 653-certified inspector draws up a report to identify the nature and location of the observations made and to state repair recommendations in accordance with the criteria of the reference standards. This ensures that the tank remains hermetic and that information is available for appropriate preventive and predictive maintenance activities.