SOCOTEC engineering, committed to decarbonization, strengthens its commitment to sustainability through its GREEN TRUST by SOCOTEC brand, managing to reduce the impact of engineering in its activity by 4% in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous year.
This integrated approach offers a range of services designed to help clients and stakeholders achieve their environmental goals and optimize the energy efficiency of their projects.
With GREEN TRUST, SOCOTEC consolidates its position as a sustainable, responsible engineering company offering innovative solutions: tools and expertise for:

The GREEN TRUST brand encompasses the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, which encompasses three key dimensions: environmental, labor and social.
The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, creating a positive work environment and contributing to the development of the communities in which it operates.

Tangible results
Target plan

Thanks to initiatives such as GREEN TRUST, SOCOTEC Spain has set goals such as optimizing its vehicle fleet, reducing energy consumption in its facilities and promoting sustainable practices throughout the organization.
Thanks to initiatives such as GREEN TRUST, SOCOTEC Spain has set goals such as optimizing its vehicle fleet, reducing energy consumption in its facilities and promoting sustainable practices throughout the organization.

Objectives 2028
Road to sustainability
At the group level, SOCOTEC has made significant progress on its sustainability journey. Among the most outstanding achievements is a 4% reduction in environmental impact per turnover during 2023.

At the group level, SOCOTEC has made significant progress on its sustainability journey. Among the most outstanding achievements is a 4% reduction in environmental impact per turnover during 2023.
By 2028, it is proposed that 50% of its services will be focused on optimizing the use of resources and minimizing the environmental footprint of its clients, thus consolidating SOCOTEC as a sustainable solutions engineering company for the industry.