We carried out a structural audit of the emergency work on the Olesa de Montserrat—Viladecavalls section of the B‑40.
General information
Date: March 2019 – Ongoing
Client: Ministerio de Fomento
Location: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Photo copyright: ©SOCOTEC Spain

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Project summary
The purpose of the contract is to provide professional geotechnical audits as part of the emergency work on the Olesa de Montserrat—Viladecavalls section of the B‑40.
Parque Natural del Montseny
Project details
Geotechnical investigation
- 1,475.2 linear metres of rotary drilling with continuous sampling
- in all types of soil. Includes temporary casing. Drilling diameter:
- 128 mm
- 13 unaltered Shelby type samples
- 59 Standard penetration tests (SPT) according to Spanish standard UNE 103800
- 60 paraffin samples according to project manager’s instructions
- 5 Lefranc tests
- 24 Pressiometric tests
Instrumentation and monitoring
- 530.5 linear metres Supply and installation in a borehole of pipe for extensometer‑inclinometer reading, including measuring points and ancillary components.
- 10 piezometric chains of 3 vibrating wire piezometers.
- Automation using 5-channel wireless dataloggers
- Data management through automatic data acquisition and data management.