The main objective of the project is the decontamination of soil and groundwater in the Remedios Varó Gardens, located in the district of Sant Martí, Barcelona.


The presence of hydrocarbons derived from old industrial activities, specifically from a former fuel oil storage and distribution company, has been able to generate significant contamination in the subsoil, putting at risk the environmental quality of the water that flows underground.

Through a comprehensive intervention of soil decontamination by SOCOTEC, it seeks to restore the quality of the soils and groundwater, guaranteeing safety and promoting the environmental recovery of the area.

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Talk to our experts

Iván Caparrós

Iván Caparrós

Geotechnnical Survey Director

Geotechnnical Survey Director
Ramon Pérez

Ramón Pérez

Geologist and Business Developer

Geologist and Business Developer

Scope of SOCOTEC Services:

SOCOTEC, as a leading environmental consulting company, will offer the following services:

Technical and administrative coordination of all phases of the project, ensuring compliance with current environmental regulations.

Issuance of certificates that accredit the correct execution of the decontamination work and compliance with the established objectives.

Exhaustive analysis of existing documentation (previous reports, geotechnical studies, licenses, etc.) to establish a baseline and define the actions to be followed.

Development of an optimal decontamination plan, considering technical, economic and environmental aspects.

Coordination with public administrations, neighbors and other interested parties, as well as the management of the necessary permits and authorizations.

Implementation of a monitoring plan to evaluate the effectiveness of decontamination measures and verify compliance with the established objectives.

Gestión Ambiental y Descontaminación de Suelos

SOCOTEC Experience:

SOCOTEC has extensive experience in the management and remediation of contaminated soils, supported by a highly qualified multidisciplinary technical team. Our track record allows us to tackle projects of varying complexity, applying the most advanced technologies and best practices in the sector. With these projects, SOCOTEC promotes:

  • Environmental Protection: Restoration of affected ecosystems and improvement of groundwater quality.
  • Public Health Safety: Elimination of risks associated with exposure to pollutants.
  • Land Valorization: Recovery of an urban space for uses compatible with the environment.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with current environmental legislation.

The Remedios Gardens decontamination project represents a unique opportunity to recover a degraded urban space and improve the quality of life of citizens.

SOCOTEC, thanks to its experience and knowledge, is committed to carrying out this project efficiently and effectively, guaranteeing the success of the intervention.

Do you want to request our environmental consulting and soil decontamination services?