BAC collaborates in the AUTO-BIM project by developing an autonomous robot for data acquisition
The AUTO-BIM project will make it possible to systematize quality control in building works.
Framed in the Challenges-Collaboration 2016 program, the project consortium is led by VIAS and Construcciones and is completed by BAC Engineering Consultancy Group, the Applied Geotechnology Group of the University of Vigo, Aplitop, ApliCAD, the TIDOP Research Group of the University of Salamanca and AIMEN Technology Center.
The main objective of the AUTO-BIM project "New technology for data capture in indoor environments and processing algorithms for BIM integration" is to create and validate a new methodology for the acquisition, processing and management of three-dimensional spatial data in indoor spaces without GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) coverage, through an autonomous mobile robot.
This data will be obtained in an automated way as three-dimensional point clouds, transformed into geometric entities and integrated into standardised BIM (Building Information Modelling) information models, which will allow the management of the life cycle of building projects. This 3D data will be obtained thanks to a laser scanner that will be installed on board the robot.
In this way, the aim is to achieve a reduction in times and a systematisation and overall improvement in the stake-out and quality control of buildings, computerising the process of monitoring the evolution of the work and detecting possible deviations. This will result in a reduction in costs, a speeding up of building works and an improvement in quality. To date, this work has been carried out manually and required specialized personnel.

Main innovations

This solution will automate a process that until now was carried out manually and that required specialized personnel. In addition, it will improve the quality of buildings, simplify quality controls and reduce times.
This improvement will be achieved thanks to the robotization of the 3D data acquisition process on site with high-precision data, the computerization of data processing and management for quality control and in document updating through the integration of data into BIM models for the management of the life cycle of building works.
This solution will automate a process that until now was carried out manually and that required specialized personnel. In addition, it will improve the quality of buildings, simplify quality controls and reduce times.
This improvement will be achieved thanks to the robotization of the 3D data acquisition process on site with high-precision data, the computerization of data processing and management for quality control and in document updating through the integration of data into BIM models for the management of the life cycle of building works.
Cross-sector collaboration
The AUTO-BIM project, with a total budget of about 994,000 euros and a total duration of 30 months, is part of the 2016 Challenges-Collaboration Program.
The consortium is led by VIAS y Construcciones which, as the end user, will be responsible for validating the results in its building projects.
BAC Engineering Consultancy Group will be the main person in charge of the integration of BIM Technology within quality control, defining and validating the necessary parameters to be implemented and determining the acceptance and/or rejection criteria of the geometries obtained with the robot. The consortium is also made up of the Applied Geotechnology Group of the University of Vigo, in charge of designing data collection assistance software; Aplitop, as an expert in point cloud treatment, will take care of their filtering, alignment and referencing; ApliCAD, together with the TIDOP Research Group of the University of Salamanca, will process the point clouds already treated and develop algorithms for their subsequent treatment and adaptation to BIM models; AIMEN Technology Centre will be in charge of developing the autonomous robotic system.
Companies participating in the AUTO-BIM Project and Public Bodies responsible for financing:
ERDF Funds
The project has been financed through the 2016 Challenges-Collaboration call by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and co-financed by the European Union and through ERDF Funds with the thematic objective of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.