Date (year): January 2024 - January 2026
Client: Adif
Location: Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona, Spain
Photo property: Adif
SOCOTEC has been in charge of the geotechnical and auscultation in the works to bury the R2 line of Rodalies in Montcada i Reixac.
SOCOTEC, leader in multidisciplinary engineering consultancy, is in charge of the geotechnical and auscultation in the works to bury the four kilometers of the R2 Rodalies line in Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona). This project, in which the central government will invest 540 million euros, aims to eliminate the surface route and build a new railway tunnel, guaranteeing the maintenance of train traffic and avoiding damage to adjacent infrastructures.

Talk to our experts

A Complex Project
A Complex Project

The route of the underground section begins in the Can Sant Joan neighborhood in Montcada. The downstream area will be executed through the construction of concrete screens. SOCOTEC has implemented a monitoring campaign to control a 1 km section of tunnel excavated in the mine and 3 km of excavation between screens. Using leveling milestones, inclinometers, piezometers and extensometers, ground monitoring ensures the stability of the tunnel.
The route of the underground section begins in the Can Sant Joan neighborhood in Montcada. The downstream area will be executed through the construction of concrete screens. SOCOTEC has implemented a monitoring campaign to control a 1 km section of tunnel excavated in the mine and 3 km of excavation between screens. Using leveling milestones, inclinometers, piezometers and extensometers, ground monitoring ensures the stability of the tunnel.
In addition, SOCOTEC will carry out topographical control of the buildings near the route to detect any ground movement that could affect the infrastructure.
In parallel, different geotechnical soundings will be carried out to determine the characteristics of the ground and its interaction with the infrastructure under construction. Jesús Ros, project manager and geologist of the monitoring team, highlights the complexity of the project due to its location in a densely populated urban environment with a complex geology.
Project Challenges
Location: The tunnel crosses the urban core of Montcada, which requires specific construction methods.
Geology: The area has fractured rocks and quaternary river fills.
Proximity to Buildings: The proximity of buildings requires ground treatments to protect dwellings and ensure the safety of workers.
Integral Monitoring
To ensure the safety and success of the project, SOCOTEC has implemented a comprehensive monitoring system that includes:

Next Steps
After completion of the first section, the underground section will continue northward, crossing the Ripoll River and the C-33 highway. The works also include the construction of a new passenger station, integrated into the urbanization of the underground section.
SOCOTEC's Expertise in Auscultation, Instrumentation and Geotechnics
At SOCOTEC, our experienced and multidisciplinary team is recognized in sectors such as real estate in Spain, offering a holistic and transversal approach to each project. Our expertise in auscultation, instrumentation and geotechnics allows us to guarantee the safety and stability of structures throughout the life cycle of the real estate asset. From initial studies to operational support, we provide innovative and sustainable solutions adapted to the needs of our clients, contributing to the development of a circular economy and the maintenance of the environment.